Friday, July 19, 2013

Lethal combination

I was asked by a friend once, about what is better Calisthenics or Weight  lifting,without thinking I replied, both!
Calisthenics are great for the stamina and upper strength, its basically a more aggressive yoga session, while weight lifting is concentrated more on strength and muscle build up.
When you combine these two forms you have a win win  combination, using only one you will gain only half of the benefits combining the two of them, you will become the ultimate athlete.
You will gain all you have aimed for, strength, stamina, agility and you get the bulk for free, Calisthenics are a great way to shred all the muscle from the weight lifting, and to avoid all those irritating cramps.
So how do you combine Calisthenics and Weight lifting?
 A small advice to the weight lifters .Go to the gym, the pull up bars aren’t there just for looks, add wide grip pull ups to your back day, it will give you that V shape you are trying so hard to get, add chin ups for your biceps, add push ups to your chest day, dips for triceps. this way you will add some lines to the muscles.

An advice to the Calisthenics practitioners. There is nothing better in this world than weighted Calisthenics, at first your own bodyweight is enough, but there will be a time when the progression will halt,why? Because your body got used to its own weight, instead of doing hundreds of push ups and pull ups, add some weights, it wouldn’t hurt to visit the gym few times a week.
There is a day when you need a change and whats the best way than this deadly combo.

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