Thursday, August 1, 2013

The workout that build Conan,Superman,Thor and many more

I bet you see that title everywhere when you search for a specific workout.Like many other people i too get motivated by movies and superheroes,admiring their energy and aura on the screen,its simply amazing. Hollywood is one big miracle i say,but it is the actors that make Hollywood,and those are one determined bunch of guys and girls,especially when they prepare for a movie.
But what is even more amazing,is how they transform in few months from average actors into Barbarians,Gods,and mutants,so whats the secret?is it some kind of magical trick?
It is no secret,there is no magical trick,i come from a line of Athletes,my father was an athlete and still he is,my brother is an athlete and personal trainer,i'm an athlete and from experience i will tell you the right formula,to become the guy or girl from the screen.
First things first,there is no special workout,all good workouts are the same,a balanced combination of cardio and strength trainings.
Second a good workout needs nutrition,a good car needs gas to move,so the body needs food to move,regenerate and grow.
The workout the build conan is available at
And here is a sample of the workout

Jason Momoa in Conan totally rocked,i anticipated the movie as i am huge fan of REH's lore and Conan movies,although critics where little harsh,i liked the movies,now for the workout it is called AR7 (Accelerated Results)in the upper mention web site there is an interview with Momoa's personal trainer Eric Laciste where he explains the basics of the workout and how its done sharing good tips.
It isn't an easy workout,i have tried it and its wild,it will waste every energy cell you have in your body.
Now it comes my favorite part.The nutrition,Jason Momoa in a few interviews mentioned eating chicken breasts,lots of them,why?
See it for yourself 

140 grams of chicken breast is 80 % protein and 20 % 

Train like Momoa eat like Momoa and you will become Momoa
The downfall of the whole thing is the budget,it is costly,Jason ate min.5 pieces of chicken breast a day,thats 500-600 grams of meat,add the protein shakes,prices are different through the world,meat and protein supplementation cost a lot of money everywhere.
Hollywood pay is much higher than a usual accountant or store clerk,that's why they can afford good personal trainers,and expensive nutrition that makes them beasts in matter of months.
But don't loose hope,it is possible to gain the same results as hollywood actors,you will need cash,dedication and discipline,you will cut out the late party nights to save up some money and get healthy amount of sleep (When you sleep your muscles regenerate)no junk food (it's bad for your health)you need proteins and carbs not cholesterol.

Chris Hemsworth for the Thor role,to shorten the article a bit here's a link where there's everything you should know 

For the su[perman workout,here is a link of an interview with Mark Twight,the trainer the build the 300 crew and the latest Man of steel 


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