Thursday, August 1, 2013


Lets start with the slowest and easiest cardio exercise,and thats Walking,yes walking is an exercise,you move,that means you burn calories,you spend energy. But in order to burn calories,you have to walk,not just 5 minutes or 10,you have to walk in a faster pace at least 20 minutes to create cardiovascular training effect.For even better effect you can add mountain terrain or hills to your walking path

Race walking,or power walking,is fast paced walking,just a bit slower than jogging,the official theory and rule i found is this "Power walking or speed walking is the act of walking with a speed at the upper end of the natural range for walking gait, typically 7 to 9 km/h (4.5 to 5.5 mph). To qualify as power walking as opposed to jogging or running, at least one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times" Wikipedia

Jogging,the most common cardio exercise in the world,i am a runner myself min.2 times a week i do 30 minute sessions,its is easy to begin and to build up your time in matter of days,enough i will write the benefits this exercise speaks for itself ;)
-It is the best cardiovascular workout by my opinion.
-It strengthens and tones your muscles and bones especially your leg and back bones.
-Better sleep.
-It will improve your immunity
-Its a proven treatment for depression,anxiety and panic attacks,running is something like a moving meditation.
-Weight loss,Burning abdominal fat,
-Healthier appetite,even the overweight suffer from this.
-It will raise your confidence.
-Its is a great training for the mind,as you progress you will run longer distances improving your determination
-More youthful appearance.
-Improved Condition

Sprinting is the ultimate running exercise,tough as nails it will make you a lean mean killing machine,its is great for martial arts practitioners,bodybuilders.....simply said it is great for everyone it will improve your agility,boost your testosterone,it will improve your sexual abilities (Men and Women)add the jogging benefits to this section,they are similar just with sprinting they are enhanced and faster.This will make you the main predator in the concrete jungle we call civilization.

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